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Selectmen's Minutes October 21, 1997
Minutes - Selectmen’s Meeting - October 21, 1997

Selectmen Present: Chairman of the Board, Charles Flynn, Judy Murdoch, Catherine Kuchinski, Daniel Webster, Peter Jones and Executive Secretary Joseph Nugent.

I.      Chairman Flynn called the meeting to order at 7:30pm Flynn asked for a Moment of silence for the death of Narissa Crosscup, Whitman student who was killed in Hanson in a car accident.

II      Chief King , Sheriff Peter Forman and District Attorney Mike Sullivan- Chief King read a news release explaining a task force created to investigate subjects wanted on legacy warrants.  These are long outstanding warrants.  The task force has, in the past two weeks, made a significant number of arrests.  Sullivan explained this is a concerted effort to make the arrests for criminal warrants, as well as give notice to those with non-violent infractions.  Flynn commended District Attorney Michael Sullivan and Sheriff Peter Forman for their efforts working with the Towns and Thanked them for their continued support.

III.     Flynn read hearing notice for a joint pole location on Liberty Street.  Eastern Utilities has requested a joint pole location on Liberty Street to provide guying for pole #12.  The Board had some discussion with Doris Phillips, representative for Eastern Utilities, as to whether or not they could provide a date for removal of those poles that would need to be removed.  Motion to close the hearing and sign necessary paperwork by Kuchinski, second by Murdoch.  5-0 Vote.

IV.     Roland Morse was introduced.  Morse introduced himself as the owner of Indian Head Water.  He is here with a complaint about his neighbor, Daniel Sullvan.  Morse complained Daniel Sullivan is running a business called Cool Pool Water, Inc. out of a residential area and has not gone through the proper procedure to make this business legal.  The Board call upon Samuel Germaine the Building Inspector to speak on the issue:  Germaine explained that he has not observed Daniel Sullivan doing anything illegal on the premises.  There was some discussion about this issue.  Flynn announced there is little the Board can do unless a violation is witnessed.  If they were able to prove Sullivan was operating a business he would be subject to the same type of paperwork and hearings as Mr. Morse.  Kuchinski requested all ZBA notes or decisions regarding Cool Pool Water Inc., the alleged illegal business.  Also, she requested a copy of the Business Certificate.  Webster had a few questions of the Building Inspector (1) How many times does he come and go from the property?-  Germaine explained he has never seen him come or go.  (2) Why did he go before the ZBA?- Germaine answered that Sullivan intends to start a business such as Morse’s and have a sign out front.  Chairman, Flynn reiterated that there is not much the Board can do at this point until there is more evidence.

V.      Request for appointment:  Pamela Fasci, Capital Improvement Committee to expire 6/30/99.  Motion by Murdoch to appoint Pamela to the Capital Improvement Committee, second by Webster.  5-0 Vote.

VI.     Carole McCormack, Treasurer/Collector was introduced by the Board.  Carole is here to explain the functions of the Treasurer/Collectors Department. A handout was given to the Board and Mr. Nugent.  The following were part of the handout:
        a. Glossary of Terms
        b. Cash flow analysis
        c. Quarterly report of treasurer’s cash
        d. Impact to the office from mailing bills.

Carole went over all of these items with the Board.  Kuchinski had a question as to how much is owed to the Town.  Carole answered that all together at this point the Town is owed $637,972.95.   Carole’s presentation went on to explain exactly what the office does on a day to day basis.  The Board thanked Carole McCormack for her thorough report to the Board.

VII.  Barbara Gomez, Town Accountant was introduced by the Board.  Barbara was also here to explain the functions of her department.  A handout was given to the Board. Barbara went through her weekly routine.  She also explained that the whole process of her department starts with the forecast in the fall for the Budgets.  January is Budget time.  July and August are very busy with the implementation of the new Budgets and the paying of bills in July for old and new budgets.  She also has quarterly reports, reconciliation of cash, reconciliation of budgets and receivable.  She is also responsible for  a 52 page Schedule A from the State.  Murdoch thanked both Barbara Gomez and Carole McCormack for their presentations.  She takes great pride in the fact that Hanson is well aware of every penny coming in and out of the Town.  Flynn also thanked them both.  Nugent commented on the way they have taken the initiative to be informed and up to date on the latest technology.  He also stated that on any given day we can find out what is going on with the Town’s Money.  

VIII.   Flynn read a notice to the Board of Selectmen requesting isolated stop signs at the following locations: Phillips St. at Main St. ; Phillips Holmes St. ; Holmes St. at High St. ; Rosewood Drive at Indian Head St.; Brook St. at Winter St. ; Gorwin Drive at Brook St.; State St. at Brook St. ; King St. at East Washington St.; Birchbark Drive at Whitman St. ; Tavern Way at Spring St..  Motion by Jones to approve the Stop signs, second by Kuchinski.  5-0 Vote.  

IX.     Accept minutes of 6/3/97; 6/17/97;7/8/97;7/22/97;8/5/97;8/19/97; and executive session minutes of 7/8/97;7/22/97; 8/19/97; 8/5/97 Motion by Jones to accept the minutes second by Kuchinski.  5-0 Vote.

X.      Vote to accept and sign the Fire Chief’s Contract.  Motion by Murdoch, second by Jones.  5-0 Vote.  

XI.     Action Requests: Murdoch wanted to mention that she was not present at the Planning Meeting on September 30th but she is opposed to the closing of the Agenda on Thursdays before the meetings.  Kuchinski - (1) Would like more information on backing a policy for the Town to buy recycled products.  (2) Announcement of Whitman Hanson Business Persons Association Health fair at Ridder Country Club on October 23rd.  4-7pm. (3) Saturday October 25th is “Make a difference day” in an effort to make a difference the Senior Center and the Post Office are accepting food donations.  There is also a “ham and bean supper” at the Masonic Lodge.  (4) MBTA - rescue truck problems- she would like some more information about this. Kuchinski also mentioned that Kingston and Halifax will be getting quadrant gates because of numerous complaints about the gates. (5) Kuchinski would like to commend the “famous” High School Cheerleaders who are going to the Hula Bowl.  (6) Announcement that the Kiwanis Club is celebrating its 50th Anniversary.  Peter Jones action requests: (1) Announcement of Groundbreaking of the new middle school.  It was well attended. (2) Jones attended a meeting with the Zoning Board to take a look at zoning on Main St. and High Street.  The Zoning Board will be setting up a public hearing to have residents come in from that area to discuss the zoning on November 24th.  Daniel Webster action requests (1) Announced he was also at the Groundbreaking Ceremony for the new middle school and it was an exciting experience.

XII.    Executive Secretary Report:

1. Special one day liquor license for adult education wine tasting class for October 27th, November 3rd and November 10th.  Motion to grant special license by Webster, second by Murdoch. 5-0 Vote.

2. Tour of County property will be on November 1 at 9:00 am. (To meet in the Parking lot)
3. Surplus materials of Town - the office has a rough list and is working on this list.

4. Domestic Violence - please review and comment.  

XIII. Adjournment:  Motion to adjourn by Murdoch, second by Jones.  Meeting adjourned at 10:10 p.m.. 5-0 Vote.